what is a gummy smile and how can botox help?

a gummy smile can easily be treated with neuromodulators to lessen the amount of gum shown when smiling and expressing.

Botox/dysport is injected into an area called the Yonsei Point, where the levator labii superioris, levator labii superioris alaeque nasi and zygomaticus minor muscles intersect.

These three muscles are responsible for pulling up on the upper lip to reveal gum when smiling or expressing.

By injecting botox/dysport into the Yonsei Point, we are able to weaken these muscles, lessening the amount of upwards movement of the upper lip, and decreasing the amount of gum shown. 


what is the difference between Botox, Dysport, Nucieva and Xeomin?


meet our injector: kimber leavitt