Avoid Lying Down : Try not lie down for 4–6 hours after your treatment to prevent migration.
Gentle Handling : Avoid placing excessive pressure on the treated areas for the remainder of the day. Be gentle when cleansing your face or applying makeup.
Exercise and Temperature : Avoid strenuous exercise and exposure to extreme temperatures (saunas, hot showers) for the rest of the day.
Facial Animation : You may continue animating as normal by exercising the treated muscles.
Expected Reactions :
Redness and slight swelling are normal.
Bruising may occur at the injection sites.
Tenderness or a mild stinging sensation can last from a few minutes to a few days.
Headaches : Some clients may experience mild headaches for 1–2 days following treatment.
Reduce Swelling and Bruising : Ice the treated area for 10 minutes on and 10 minutes off to minimize swelling and potential bruising.
Avoid Blood Thinners : Refrain from consuming alcohol or taking blood-thinning medications for at least 24 hours.
Promote Healing : Drink plenty of water to aid in healing. Use topical or oral arnica to further reduce bruising and support recovery.
Pain Relief : Take Tylenol for pain relief, as it does not increase bleeding or bruising risk.
Swelling Management : Medications such as Benadryl, Claritin, or Reactine can help reduce significant swelling.
Avoid Contact and Pressure : Do not touch, manipulate, or apply any pressure to the injection sites.
Sleep Position : If you received cheek, chin, or jaw filler, sleep on your back for 2 weeks.
Continue Icing : Ice the treated area as needed to manage swelling.
Lip Care : Begin gently massaging your lips to prevent granulomas.
Warm Compress : Apply a warm compress to encourage healing and reduce bruising.
Address Bumps or Nodules : If you feel any bumps or nodules in your lips, start gently massaging the area.